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Alternative Medicine
Ch 3: Awed by the Extraordinary

By canoncansodoff

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Author Notes:

Disclaimer: Not my characters, no money being made, etc., etc.

The silencing charms that had contained orgasmic cries did little to keep out the blare of loudspeakers at precisely 5:03 the following morning.  

"Wha...who's there?" Hermione cried out.  She jolted up, pulled her wand, and promptly got caught up in the mosquito netting of her bed.

The recorded voice ignored Hermione's challenge as the two-minute long call to morning prayer continued on. 

"Where is a wizarding camera when you need it?" asked Padma from her bed.

Hermione scowled as she extricated herself from the netting, pulled the top sheet from her bed, and wrapped it around her naked body.

"So now you decide to be modest?" teased Padma.

The bushy-brown haired witch frowned and shook her head as she made for one of the bedroom's windows.

"Wouldn't do to flash the faithful, would it?"

"I doubt they'd mind," Padma replied.

"Go back to sleep," offered Hermione.  "I'll go check on Harry in a little bit."

"And flash him instead?" the Ravenclaw asked.  "I'd really want a camera to capture that moment."


"And what color is the kettle, pot?"


Padma followed orders, and drifted back off to sleep with a smirk on her face, allowing Hermione to look out the opened window.

During her first few mornings on the subcontinent, Hermione had used the first call to prayer as an alarm clock, and rushed to ready herself for a day spent by Harry's bedside.  But with Harry now on the road to recovery, and with a lot on her mind, Hermione allowed herself the luxury of playing tourist for a few minutes.

Travelers making their first trip to the Indian subcontinent are often advised to take as many pictures as they can during the first week of their stay...after that, the other-worldliness of the place fades, and the extraordinary becomes mundane.  It was the start of Hermione Granger's fourth day in India,  so there was still a lot of wonders to behold within her field of view.

The Patil's clinic was located across from the smallest of three beaches that made up the resort area of Kovalam.  Samutra Beach was also the least touristy.  The minarets of the local mosque dominated the skyline, rather than the multi-story hotels that catered to European package tourists, and fishing boats were more often seen on the beach than bikinis.  A dozen of these narrow wooden vessels were being pulled onto shore, as their owners brought in the night's catch from the Arabian Sea. Some of the fishermen were already negotiating prices with a local agent using animated hand gestures and Malayalam, the lyrical language of the majority of Keralan residents. 

Hermione watched the back and forth for a few minutes, before a flash of color caught her eye and she began to follow a woman walking down the street with a huge stalk of bananas on her head.  The vibrant colors of the woman's sari were something that she'd quickly come to associate with their location...bright hues not just in the clothing, but in the boats, and flowers, and lorries...even the mosque was painted with a rich palette of colors that would never been found on the walls of an Anglican church back home.

The sensory overload that her window perch provided wasn't enough to keep Hermione's mind from eventually drifting inward...back to Harry, and Padma, and Parvati.  She smiled when she thought back to the mutual wank session...Parvati had been far less restrained in her mewing and moans than the few times that Hermione had eavesdropped on her solo nighttime rubs back at Hogwarts.  And Padma...Padma preferred positions that made it easy to distinguish her from her sister.  While Parvati was a "lie on your back and spread your legs" type of masturbator, Padma spent most of her time on her knees, and alternated between sitting up straight with her long hair thrashing about freely, or with her face on the pillow and her bum sticking high up in the air.  The latter position had really revved up Hermione's libido...that she couldn't clearly see the exposed fanny through the dim light and gauzy nettings made the image that much sexier, and tested her resolve not to scamper across the room and bury her face into Padma's crotch.  The memory still excited her hours later...enough so that Hermione had begun to grind her sheet-covered mound against the wooden sill.

"So what's got you so hot and bothered out there?" asked a voice from across the room. 

Hermione froze.  Had she been caught out like this a week earlier, she would have died of embarrassment.  But after the shared kiss over Harry's bed, and the shared wank that night...well, combine those things with the romantic setting, her joy about Harry's semi-recovery, and the absence of a Dark Lord breathing down their necks, and Hermione frankly didn't give a damn.  So she smiled, turned back towards the room, and sat on the window sill.

"Nothing...just thinking about last night," she admitted.  Hermione smiled when she noted that Padma's choli had gone missing, leaving her toned light-brown breasts to swing free.  Hermione nodded towards the dark brown nipples as Padma rose from her bed and saucily asked,  "Are you thinking about the same thing, or just cold?"

The black-haired witch waggled her eyebrows as she stopped short of showing her breasts out the window.  She then reached out and grabbed hold of the knot that held Hermione's sheet in place.

"I'm not the one fully covered, I?"

Hermione shook her head as she followed the knot that Padma was pulling on and stepped further into the room.

"So," she asked. "About last night?"

"Yeah," Padma nodded. "About last night..."

The two witches stood silently and fidgeted, wondering what they should say, and if they should cave into the shared urge to pull the other into a crushing hug.

"Oh, go ahead and snog each other...get it over with," Parvati called out.

Tension broke between Padma and Hermione, as they smiled at each other.

"Or not," added a topless Parvati, as she casually hopped out of bed, untied the drawstring on her underskirt, and let it slip to the floor.  Now fully nude, the witch yawned, then inspected the hand that she'd used to cover her mouth.

"Morgana, I wonder how my fingers got so sticky overnight," she snarked.  "I need a good wash-up...anybody want to join me in the shower?"

Parvati didn't wait for an answer, pausing only long enough to pinch Hermione's bum on her way to the lavatory.  After emitting a cute "eep," Hermione turned to Padma and blushed.

"So, Ms. Ravenclaw," she asked hesitatingly, "is that the next logical step for us?"

The brown-skinned beauty chuckled, allowing her uncovered breasts to bounce attractively.

"Asks the most brilliant witch in our class," Padma countered. "Probably ought to do more talking before we start touching, but that's just my brain talking."

"Oh?" Hermione asked. "So what's your body saying?"

Padma smiled as she pinched one of her own nipples with thumb and forefinger.

"Isn't it obvious?" she asked.

Sucking up all kinds of courage, the Ravenclaw then reached out and undid the knot that gathered Hermione's sheet.

"So," she asked, "is your body telling me anything?"

The answer was just as evident as the sheet fell to the wooden floor.

"So beautiful," Padma whispered, as the back of her hand caressed Hermione's neck.  Her fingers then trailed half-way down Hermione's exposed breast before she stopped herself.

"May I?"

Hermione's breath caught at the question.  She reached up for Padma's hand, and dragged it down towards its target.  With a hand now cupping her breast, Hermione leaned forward and shifted her weight, so that her nipple played against Padma's palm with small circles. 

A look of wonder came upon Padma's face as her other hand reached up to attain some symmetry.  Hermione closed her eyes and released her held breath with a low-pitched purr.  Her own hands reached out for the drawstring of Padma's slip, and undid the knot.  Thumbs grazed against the edges of a black-haired mound as Hermione pushed the garment over the Ravenclaw's hips.  Those thumbs were tracing trails up and down bared thighs when Padma reached down to stop them. 

Hermione quickly opened her eyes, and began to fret.

"Is something wrong...too quick...too, oh, Padma, I'm so sorry...."

"Hush," Padma cooed.  Pulling Hermione into an embrace that bumped bits, she silenced Hermione's concerns with a tender kiss.  The Ravenclaw then stepped back, and took one of Hermione's hands in hers. 

"Let's go give my sister some company," she said. "You wouldn't want to leave her out, now...would you?"

Hermione's eyes widened as her mind overloaded with thoughts and images.

It was a race to the shower.


The wash-up allowed Hermione and the Patil twins to explore each other's bodies with soap and hand linens.  But there was more tickling than fondling, and more giggles than throaty moans, as they accustomed themselves to touching and being touch by others.  Hermione noticed during all of this sharing that Padma and Parvati were far less touchy-feely with each other than they were with her...intimate touches seemed more accidental than intentional.  She thought to add this to the list of discussion topics...might have even raised the issue during the towel down, had she not been distracted by smutty talk about the size of Harry's wand, and how it might fit in certain places. 

As they dressed for the day, Hermione stood in bra and knickers in front of her trunk, and stated, "You know I'm rather jealous of both of you right now."

"How could that be?" asked Padma. "You won't be the one with an Auntie watching you like a hawk whenever we're within reach of Harry's wand."

"I'm also not the one catching Harry's eye with what I wear, either."

"As if it matters," muttered Parvati.

"I think it does," Hermoine quipped.  She then walked over and ran her hand enviously down the length of fabric that was draped over Parvati's shoulder.  "He still thinks of me as a best friend...and my clothing does nothing to remind him that I'm a woman like yours does.

"What, these simple things?" asked Parvati. "They aren't any more revealing than what is traditionally worn by Muggle Keralan women."

"Yes, those simple things," Hermione whined.  "Don't tell me that either of you didn't see Harry staring down your shirt, or at your bared midriffs."

"Okay, we won't tell you," Padma said with a smile.  "Should we talk instead about the glances that you were stealing?"

Hermione snorted, and reached out to tweak a nipple in faux protest.

"Never mind," she stated. "Do you two think that it'd be possible...well, what would you think if I were to dress that way?"

Parvati smiled. "I think that you'd look brilliant in a sari...what do you think, Padma?"

Her sister smiled as she walked up behind Hermione and unhooked bra straps.

"One way to find out," she replied, as she pulled the bra free from the brown-haired witch's breasts.

"Ooh, my turn," Parvati said brightly.  She reached for her wand, turned towards Hermione and vanished her knickers.


Padma smiled as she reached down and pinched Hermione's bared arse cheek. "No need for those if you're going native, sweetheart."

"What?" Hermione asked. "You mean it's normal not to wear undergarments underneath a sari?"

"Have you seen us wearing bras or knickers?" Parvati asked?"

"Well, no," Hermione admitted.  "But I figured that you were just doing that for Harry's benefit...I mean, for when he woke up."

Padma leaned forward and rested her chin against Hermione's shoulder.

"But what if we were going commando for your benefit?"

A verbal response was stifled when Padma nuzzled against Hermione's neck.  The light brown-skinned witch smiled, and murmured, "Parvati, go and fetch one of your slips and a choli."

"Why don't you do it?" Parvati whined.

"Because we're closer to your trunk," her sister responded. 

Parvati reckoned it had more to do with the fact that her sister wanted to nibble on Hermione's ear lobe, but still complied. 

Hermione yelped a bit when Padma's hands took hold of her hips and pulled her back against her body...she was standing there without a stitch of clothing, while they were fully dressed and acting as if they were her hand maidens. 

"Relax," Padma whispered.

It was the desire that made it hard for Hermione to comply with this request.  She was hot, and bothered, and moist.  But was this really happening?  Was she really attractive?  Was she really desirable? 

"I said relax, Hermione...we won't bite...much," Padma offered with a smile.

"Unless you want us to," Parvati added, as she retrieved a fresh set of undergarments from her chest.

Hermione laughed nervously as her dorm mate bunched the slip in her hands. 

"Listen to my sister and relax, Hermione," Parvati instructed. "Let us prepare you for your lovers."

"Lovers...multiple?" she hissed.

Padma again nuzzled against Hermione's neck. "Are we foolish to dream of sharing our hearts and beds with both Harry and you?"

Hermione shivered in response to these words, and reflexively clenched her bum and pelvic muscles as Padma's left hand began tracing a lazy circle around her belly button.


"Hush, my love, and let us dress you."

A jelly-legs jinx wouldn't have worked as well as these endearments, as Hermione leaned against Padma's embrace.

Parvati giggled.  "Quiet, sister...we're trying to get her dressed for the day, not ready for bed."

"Says the wench who is presently caressing Memsahib's feet."

Hermione moaned.  "Feels good, though."

"The slip?" Padma asked.

"Yes, sister," Parvati replied.  She reluctantly pulled the foot that she held in her hands into the underskirt.  Grabbing hold of the the drawstring waist, Parvati slowly drew the garment up Hermione's legs, dragging her fingers across bared flesh along the way.  Hermione clenched her pelvic muscles in anticipation, and damn near orgasmed when Parvati's fingers reached their intended target. 

The hope that those fingers would linger were dashed when Padma reached around Hermione's waist and slapped her sister's hands away.

"Behave, Parvati," she scolded, as she positioned the waistline low onto Hermione's hips and tied the drawstring into a knot.

"Oh, my," her kneeling witch whispered, as she reached out for Hermione's tummy.

"Do you see how deep her belly button is, Padma?" Parvati asked. "We'll have to beat back Uncle with a stick."

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Your innie is hot," Padma explained, stealing a glance over Hermione's shoulder. "Indian men fancy deep belly buttons...some more so than big breasts.  And Uncle has been known to express those kinds of preferences."

The thought of the wizened old wizard lusting after Hermione navel was enough to make her reflexively cover her tummy with her hand.

"Should I keep it covered, then?"

Parvati pushed Hermione's hand away.  "Of course not...Auntie can keep Uncle in line."

Hermione giggled when Parvati punctuated this declaration by giving her belly button a good lick.

"Later, Parvati," Padma said.  "Hand up the choli."

Her sister reluctantly complied, and gave Padma an electric blue-colored cropped shirt.

"Good choice," she stated, as she helped Hermione snake her arms through the short sleeves. "This color looks great on her."

Parvati stood and buttoned the front of the shirt closed.  Hefting the now-covered breasts in each hand, she added, "Too tight along the bustline, though."

"Yeah, it's perfect," Padma said with a smile, as she reached around and adjusted the neckline to accentuate the cleavage. "What do you think, Hermione?"

The brown-haired witch turned towards a wall-mounted mirror, and examined the expanse of bared flesh that stretched from just below her breasts to a line just above her pubes.

"I'm way too white,"  she decided. 

"Are you kidding?" Parvati asked.  "Most Indian girls would die to have your skin color."

"But they're not Harry...he'll think I look better with a tan."

"Yeah, right," countered Parvati, as she rubbed her thumbs against nipples that strained against fabric.  "He's not going to be able to think at all when you show him these."

"But...are you sure that I'm not being too...obvious?"

"No more than we are," Padma replied, as she pulled a gold-trimmed, creme colored sari from her trunk.  She wrapped one of the pieces of woven cloth one-and-a-half times around Hermione's hips and legs.  Padma and Parvati then draped the second length of cloth over Hermione's left shoulder, and showed her the pocket hidden underneath the wrap that could hold her wand.

"Have a walk-about," Padma instructed Hermione, once the ensemble was complete.

The brown-haired witch complied, monitoring how the garment moved as she walked, bent over, and sat down.

"See, no nipple and navel gazing unless you want to let someone peek," said Parvati.

Hermione nodded. "I feel so exposed, though."

"Why?" asked Padma.  "You're covering up far more now than if you were wearing shirt and shorts."

"But look how low the skirt is riding on my hips."

"Yeah, I'm so jealous," Padma replied.  "The only way that I could get that much distance between my navel and waistline is to shave myself bald."

Hermione blushed. "That's the other feels weird to be walking about without knickers."

Padma snorted. "Go hike up those skirts and have a squat over the loo, then it will make perfect sense."

"As if being by Harry's bedside wasn't enough reason to go commando," Parvati added.

"Hush," Hermione chided.

A knock on the door interrupted the banter.

"Good morning, girls," announced Healer Patil, as she walked into the room.  "Harry is up if you wanted to...oh, my."

"What do you think, Auntie?" Parvati asked. "Doesn't Hermione look beautiful?"

The older witch nodded as she walked up to Hermione and pulled the top piece of the sari to the side.

"You certainly do, child," she said warmly. "Although...with that belly button exposed, it would be best to keep my husband at arm's length."

"We already warned her about that," Padma said with a laugh.

Hermione blushed, and readjusted the fabric to cover her midriff. "You said Harry is up already?  As it alright?  I feel so guilty, I should have been down so much earlier..."

"Relax, Hermione," the Healer replied.  "I assure you that he will consider the slight delay to have been worthwhile."

The older witch turned back towards the door and led the way downstairs.

"But what if he doesn't like the sari?" Hermione asked, as the three followed the older witch.

Padma chuckled. "Then he's a fool, and Parvati and I will be sure to properly console you tonight when we help you undress."

"Does that mean that we can't help her get naked if he likes how she's dressed?" asked Parvati.

"Parvati!" Hermione hissed.

"Is that a no, then?" Padma asked with a small smile.

Hermione looked at each twin's expectant face, then shook her head, and smiled.

"You two wrapped me up like a mummy...only fair that you help me get it off."

"You mean help you get off?" quipped Parvati.

Hermione blushed.

"That too, if you'd like."

The replies whispered into each ear made Hermione's nipples hard, which in turn made Harry's appreciation for her attire that much greater when the three aroused witches finally reached his room.

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