Alternative Medicine
Ch 4 Best Sponge Bath Ever!
By canoncansodoff
Author Notes:
Disclaimer: Not my characters, no money being made, etc., etc.
Harry Potter had always tried to avoid whining to his best friend, but given present circumstances he felt more than justified.
"Hermione, you're killing me!"
The bushy brown-haired witch smiled as she draped the shawl portion of her sari over the back of a chair and reached for the wash basin and cloth.
"How so, Harry?"
Thankful that he still had control of his facial expressions, Hermione's patient rolled his eyes and nodded towards her tight-fitting choli. She followed his line of sight (which directly intersected her cleavage) and smiled coyly.
" wouldn't want me to get Parvati's sari wet during your sponge bath, would you?"
Harry sighed deeply and shook his head. He'd never seen Hermione acting this way around him before. And he certainly hadn't seen her dressed this way, in a low-cut cropped shirt that left no doubt that his best friend has breasts. And cleavage. And perky nipples.
Parvati, who had just stripped off the dragonhide gloves and apron that had protected her during Harry's morning therapy, giggled.
"Well, Hermione, if you plan on splashing, then perhaps I should take my sari off as well?"
"That won't be necessary," intoned Healer Patil, as she entered the room. "I have need of Padma and Parvati's assistance with my other patients."
"Aww....Auntie!" Parvati whined.
"None of that young lady."
"Yes, Auntie."
Parvati's frown turned a bit mischievous as she whispered something into her sister's ear. Hermione couldn't hear what she was saying, but suspected the worst when Padma giggled, then leaned over to whisper something into Harry's ear. His cheeks turned bright red as his eyes darted involuntarily towards Hermione's waist.
"Something wrong, Harry?" she asked.
"," he stammered.
Padma, whose lips were still next to Harry's face, smiled and kissed his cheek. She then leaned back and drew her fingers up the length of her skirt-covered thigh.
"And we aren't wearing any either, Harry," she hissed, using a stage whisper that all could hear.
"Padma!" Hermione chided.
The Ravenclaw ignored Hermione as she reached over and gave Harry's sheet-covered hip a squeeze.
"See you soon, Harry," she cooed.
"Not as soon as Hermione will see him," Parvati complained.
Healer Patil hustled her nieces out of the room, giving Hermione a wink as she followed. The young witch followed far enough to close the door, then turned back towards Harry.
He involuntarily let out a low-pitched moan...the independent sway of Hermione's breasts made it even more obvious that she hadn't bothered with a brassiere.
"Are you in pain, Harry?" she asked.
Her exasperated patient closed his eyes and shook his head.
"What's wrong, then, Harry?"
The-Boy-Who-Won opened his eyes, and then narrowed them turned his head towards Hermione.
"What's wrong, you ask?" he replied. "I woke up yesterday without the use of my arms or legs, but with the help of three beautiful witches who apparently forgot to pack their bras and knickers when they left England. And these witches, all of whom I consider to be friends, and one whom I consider to be my best friend, are kissing me, and kissing each other, and talking about sharing with me and with each other, only it sounds like they really mean shag instead of share. And now you've gone and dressed like they have, and all three of you are flirting with me, and hovered over my bare bits, and commented about how large they are, and......"
Hermione smiled seductively. "And what, Harry?"
"And what?" Harry asked incredulously. "And all of it's making my balls blue, and without the use of my hands there's not a damn thing I can do about it!"
The bushy-haired witch giggled.
"Harry...we've already told you that we're here to help your recovery. If you've got an itch, just let me know and I'll scratch it."
"Yeah, right," Harry muttered. "A response that just reinforces my belief that this is all a dream."
Hermione bit her lower lip as she sat the wash basin down on the table next to Harry's bed. She then reached out to cup his cheek with her hand.
"And why do you think that this is all a dream?"
"Because...well, just because."
Hermione nodded as her fingers reached up to tussle his hair.
"Harry, I like to think that you're my best friend. If you can't tell me..."
"And that's the problem right are my best friend. I have no business dreaming of you being more than that for me."
"Why not?"
"Because it's...."
Hermione shook her head as she sat by Harry's side. "Let's put aside for now these silly notions that you aren't worthy of having good things happen to you. Why else would you think that this is a dream?"
Harry chuckled. "Because real Hermione doesn't giggle, much less wear cropped shirts that give me great views of her baps."
Hermione couldn't help but giggle.
"There...right you see?"
"I'm sorry Harry, I just couldn't help myself," Hermione replied. She paused for a moment, and then added, "I could try to explain why I appear to be acting so out of character, but I have a better idea."
"What's that?"
"Go with the dream idea," Hermione replied.
"What's that mean?"
Hermione smiled. "Well, I don't think you are dreaming. But if you think that this is all a dream, let's run with it."
"And how would we do that?" Harry asked.
His best friend smiled as her hands made their way to Harry's bared chest. "What would you want to happen if this were a dream, Harry?"
The magical invalid snorted.
"I don't dare dream what I'd want, much less say it."
"Why not?"
"Because what if I'm wrong?" Harry asked. "What if this is real, and I say something so embarrassing that would make you hate me?"
Hermione shook her head. "That's true. Maybe, then I should tell you something that is equally embarrassing, so we'd be even...just in case."
Harry chuckled. "You'd be hard pressed to match me there, Hermione."
"You think so?" she asked. Taking a deep breath, she casually dragged her fingers down his chest and said, "More embarrassing then if I were to reveal that I've wanted to shag you silly for the past two years, or that I used these fingers to play with myself last night as I fantasized about a four-way romp that involved you, me, Padma and Parvati?"
Harry twitched in response...and it wasn't his facial muscles that responded.
Hermione smiled, and continued with the huskiest of voices. "So tell me, what you're afraid to tell me more embarrassing then if I admitted that I'm so wet right now that it's begun to drip down my thigh because I'm not wearing knickers?"
Harry tried to talk, but only managed to get out a gurgle.
"More embarrassing, Harry, then if I were to say that it's taking all of my will power not to rip off that sheet, lift up my skirt, and impale myself on you wand?"
"R-R-Really?" Harry stammered.
Hermione smiled coyly as she played with the thin strip of black hair that trailed down from Harry's belly button. She then leaned down and planted a full, moist kiss on his lips. When Harry responded by lifting up his head and probing her lips with his tongue, she pulled back and smiled.
"Perhaps," she cooed.
"Hermione..." Harry groaned, turning her name into a growl of frustration.
"So what are you afraid to tell me, Harry?" she asked. "Is it that you fancy me?"
Harry's eyes flashed in fear. He then closed those eyes, dropped his head back onto his pillow, and let out a deep breath as he nodded.
"Yes," he whispered.
"There, now...that wasn't so hard, was it?" Hermione asked. "But maybe you're also afraid to tell me that you also fancy Padma and Parvati?"
Harry kept his eyes closed as he nodded in agreement.
"Nothing to be embarrassed about there," Hermione declared, "since I fancy them as well."
Harry's eyes opened, revealing dilated pupils that allowed a look of wonderment to escape.
"You're not just saying that, are you?" Harry asked.
Hermione shook her head. "Would you like me to tell you what the three of us did upstairs after you got us all revved up last night?"
Harry groaned.
"Oh, there I go again," Hermione giggled. "What a bad healer's apprentice I am, causing my patient pain." Sneaking a hand back down under the sheet that was acting more like a tent, she added, "Would you like me to take care of your not-so-little problem, Harry?"
The-Boy-Who-Won gasped as the back of Hermione's fingers trailed down the length of his erection, and her hand settled into a loose hold of his balls.
Harry groaned again. "But that would end the dream, wouldn't it?"
Hermione cocked her head sideways. "What would, Harry?"
"You giving me a hand job," Harry hissed plainly. "If this really is a wet dream, it will end as soon as you get me off."
A giggle escaped from Hermione's lips as her hand began one long stroke up his length. "There's one sure way to find out, then...isn't there?"
The shutter that passed through Harry's torso caught Hermione by surprise. The shake of his head surprised her even more.
"If this is a dream, then I don't want to wake up," Harry explained.
"Oh," Hermione replied, keeping her lips pursed in a seductive pucker. "So it's worth prolonging the pain?"
Harry smiled, and picked his head up from the pillow. Hermione met his lips half way, then pushed him back down so that they could snog without muscle strain.
A few minutes later, Hermione pulled back to catch her breath.
"I have to say, Harry, that your technique is far better in real life then within my dreams."
"I thought the operating premise was that this was one of my dreams?" Harry asked with a dopey smile.
"Ah, yes, and in that dream I was nominally tasked with giving you a sponge bath," Hermione replied with a grin. She reached over to the sponge, and frowned at the water temperature.
"A bit to cold, given the wait," she replied, as she grabbed her wand and cast a warming charm on the water.
"I don't mind if you don't," Harry replied brightly.
Hermione turned towards her patient and smiled. "Now there's the confident, happy young wizard that I saw yesterday...good to see you back with us."
"Couldn't think of a better place to be," Harry replied.
Hermione nodded as she drained the sponge of excess water. Turning towards Harry, she coyly asked, "So are you ready for your dream sponge bath?"
Harry snorted. "Yes Ma''s almost perfect."
" you'd rather it were Padma or Paravati...or both...that were giving it to you?" Hermione asked.
Harry smiled and shook his head. "Oh, are definitely the leading lady in the sponge bath of my dreams."
"So what's different?"
"Would you hex me if I said that you're wearing too many clothes for this dream to be perfect?"
Hermione chuckled. "Why should you be hexed for stating something so obvious?" she asked. She then dropped the sponge on Harry's bared chest and reached for the buttons on her choli. But then she stopped, and looked towards the door.
"Healer Patil will no doubt be back soon to check on you, and, well...."
"That's okay," Harry replied. "You wouldn't be my dream Hermione if you did something that you weren't comfortable doing, like getting naked just because I asked you to."
"Who says that I...?" Hermione asked, leaving her response dangling. She then smiled and said, "Time and place, Mr.'s not the nudity that makes me hesitate, but the chance of getting caught out by Padma and Parvati's Auntie..or more importantly, her Uncle."
Harry nodded. "I understand."
Hermione gave Harry a stern look. "Don't give up so easily, Mister...if I'm going to be the subject of your wet dreams, the least I can do is meet you halfway."
"Halfway?" Harry asked. "What would that look letting one of your breasts dangle free?"
Hermione smiled knowingly and shook her head. She then took the sponge from Harry's chest and squeezed out the water as she rubbed it against her covered breasts.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Healer Patil," she said with mock sincerity, as she reloaded the sponge with liquid and gave her covered bits a bath. "It's the first time that I've ever given somebody a sponge bath, and well, the water it got everywhere..."
Harry looked on with shock and awe as Hermione glanced towards the closed door, then slipped her breasts out of her shirt one at a time, so that she could tease here taut nipples with the sponge. Once her breasts were pushed back into the wet, translucent garment, she grinned at Harry and added, "Guess I was a little clumsy and some of the water splashed."
"I guess so," her patient replied weakly, his gaze glued to her chest. "Best wet dream...ever."
Hermione snorted as she got the sponge wet and began to lightly wash Harry's face and neck.
"Wet certainly is an apt adjective," she replied, as she worked her way down the nearest arm. "I kind of like being your dream Hermione, Harry," she said, as she winked at him and pinched one of her nipples with her free hand. "It gives me the freedom to do things that I wouldn't dare do in real life."
" real life you wouldn't feel comfortable acting this way?" Harry asked.
Hermione smiled. "Well, I've always valued my real Harry's friendship, and hid my feelings for him, for fear that he'd push me away, and keep me from helping him defeat Voldemort," she explained. "Now of course, if my real Harry were to actually say that he fancied me, then I wouldn't think twice about snogging him, or bathing him, or helping cure his blue balls."
Harry lay silent as Hermione walked around to the front the bed to wash his legs and feet. Reaching a decision, he once more lifted his head from the pillow.
"Yes, Harry?"
"I fancy you....I've fancied you for the longest time, and was just too much of a clueless git to say so."
The young witch smiled, and pulled the foot she had been laving up so that she could kiss his big toe.
"Oh, I've wanted to hear that for the longest time," she admitted. "If only I knew that it was my real Harry saying that, and not just my dream Harry!"
Harry snorted. "Hermione...that's how I really feel about you!"
"But that's exactly what my dream Harry would say!" Hermione said with a pout. "And what if I really am just your dream Hermione?"
Harry rolled his eyes.
"So how am I supposed to convince you that this is more then one of my wet dreams?" he asked.
Hermione waggled her eyebrows suggestively as she walked to Harry's side, and slowly pulled on the sheet that covered his midsection.
"Well..." she purred. "You already noted one way to find out...think that it's worth the risk for me to rub you off?"
Harry snorted, and nodded. "I guess that it's just a risk that we'll have to long as you're willing, mind you."
Hermione looked towards the door, then licked her lips as she pulled the sheet completely from the bed. She got the sponge wet, then used that sponge to play with her new toy.
The prevalence of stroking over scrubbing, and caressing over cleaning, released the pressure that had been building within Harry's scrotum in short order.
Once Harry fell back to Earth and caught his breath, he focussed his eyes on a face that sported loving eyes and a wide grin.
"Feel better, then?" Hermione asked.
Harry chuckled. "Best wet dream...ever!"
Hermione snorted. "So it really was a dream, then?"
Harry shook his head. "I think I lost consciousness there, for a moment,, I don't think that I was dreaming."
Hermione leaned down and kissed Harry on the lips. She then pulled back a bit and asked, "So, can you live with a best friend that fancies you, Harry?"
The-Boy-Who-Won smiled, and nodded. "Like I said yesterday, I can't think of any place that I'd rather be."
"Good!" Hermione declared, as she stood up further, and glanced at Harry's midsection. She then asked, "Isn't that supposed to shrink a bit after know?"
Harry chuckled. "It does, usually...but then again, this is anything but a usual situation."
"That's true, I guess," Hermione replied. She then pointed her wand towards Harry resurgent erection.
"Hermione, what are you...."
"Don't you trust me, Harry," she replied.
"Of course I's just that have a wand pointed towards your bits..."
"I'll need to levitate you and flip you over so that I can wash your back side," Hermione explained. "A well-placed sticking charm will make certain that your wand doesn't get bent when you land."
Harry rolled his eyes. "Alright then."
Once Hermione magically flipped him around and began to lovingly scrub his bum, she said, "Tell you what, Harry...once you get use of your arms back, you can point your wand toward my bits...fair is fair."
"Which wand?" he asked.
"Either," she replied with a grin. "Won't take much for you to learn the contraceptive spell...or a depilatory charm, for that matter."
Harry responded with a groan.
"What's the matter?"
"The sticking charm...cancel it!" he hissed.
Hermione quickly replied, and then asked, "What happened?"
"Your banter was making me even harder," he explained. "So it was pulling against the magical binding, and..."
"Oh, yes, that makes sense," Hermione replied. "Guess I'll have to learn these things."
"Yes," Harry said, managing to smile with his head turned to one side on his pillow. "I guess that you will."
"Confident, much?" Hermione replied, punctuating her question with a swat of his bum.
"Oh, hush," Hermione gently chided. "Hardly left a red mark...unlike some of my wet dreams."
"Erm...really?" Harry asked nervously.
"No, not unless you fancy being a bottom," Hermione replied with a smile. "But speaking of dreams..."
"Well, we managed to rule out the possibility of this being one of your wet dreams, right?"
"Yeah, I guess, so."
"But what if this was one of my wet dreams?" she asked.
"What if I was the one sleeping, and you were my dream Harry? How are we to know?"
Harry thought for a moment, then blushed deeply.
"I'm afraid that I'm not really in a position to help you find out," he admitted.
"Yes, it would be much easier if you were lying on your back," Hermione said with a grin. "Still..."
"Still, what, Hermione?" asked a witch standing in the threshold of a now-opened door.
"Oh, nothing," Hermione replied, in response to Parvati's question.
"So who was the one getting the or Harry?" Padma asked, as she shouldered her way into the room.
"Hermione did a fine job of washing me," Harry said with a wink.
"I bet that she did," Parvati said with a pout.
The arrival of their Great Aunt nipped the banter in the bud.
"All done then, dear?" she asked Hermione.
"From the looks of it, she isn't done, even if Harry is," Parvati quipped.
"Hush!" Hermione scolded, as she used a drying charm on her choli and wrapped the top half of her sari over her shoulder.
"Come then, ladies," Healer Patil stated. "Your patient needs his rest."
"That's right, on your're going to need it," Parvati quipped.
She bounced out of the doorway before anyone could scold her for the saucy remark.
Hermione smiled as she pulled the sheet back over Harry's body. She then placed a kiss on his exposed cheek, then placed her lips next to his ear.
"Guess I'll have to figure out whether this is one of my wet dreams all on my own," she whispered. "Unless...."
Harry's eyes narrowed. "Unless what?" he hissed.
"Unless I asked one of the other witches to help me," she replied brightly. "Or would you rather I have both Padma and Parvti's fingers exploring my folds?"
"Hermione!" Harry moaned.
"Come now, Hermione," Healer Patil called out.
The Muggleborn witch snorted, then kissed Harry's cheek again.
"Not right now," she whispered. "But with luck maybe in a few've already brought me more than halfway there, Harry."
Her patient closed his eyes and moaned once more as Hermione left the room with a grin on her face.